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The Reichsmark (German: [ˈʁaɪçsˌmaʁk] ; sign: ℛ︁ℳ︁; abbreviation: RM) was the currency of Germany from 1924 until the fall of Nazi Germany in 1945, and in the American, British and French occupied zones of Germany, until 20 June 1948. The Reichsmark was then replaced by the Deutsche Mark, to become the currency of West Germany and then all of Germany after the 1990 reunification. The Reichsmark was used in the Soviet occupation zone of Germany until 23 June 1948, where it was replaced by the East German mark. The Reichsmark was subdivided into 100 Reichspfennig (Rpf or ℛ︁₰). The Mark is an ancient Germanic weight measure, traditionally a half pound, later used for several coins; Reich (empire in English) comes from the official name for the German state from 1871 to 1945, Deutsches Reich.